Council for the Improvement of the Business Environment

In June 2020, the Council for Improving the Business Environment was formed in order to implement priority and economic measures aimed at removing business barriers, and it has more than 40 members from the public and private sectors. Seven sessions were held, where various topics regarding improvement of business environment were discussed. First three sessions focused on business zones, the Decision on supporting economic activities in the Capital City, changes and additions to the Capital City budget for 2020 were discussed, and the III package of Government measures to support citizens and the economy to mitigate the consequences of the corona virus pandemic was presented. At the IV session the members of the Business Council were presented with the “Senior card” project, the results of a survey of businessmen, as well as the Decision on the fee for communal equipment. Also, the members of the Business Council had the opportunity to learn about financial and non-financial support for entrepreneurship from the Capital City, as well as the report on the implementation of activities from the Spatial Planning Program for the current year. Furthermore, the following sessions also discussed the Capital City’s support for business ideas through START UP competitions, the development of female entrepreneurship in Podgorica. Important activities related to the valorization of business zones and a new public call for encouraging agricultural production was presented. The business council will be an incentive for the further development of the Capital City and represents one of many examples of successful cooperation between the Capital City and the business community.