Podgorica Investment Days

The City Manager and the International Cooperation Office, in coordination with diplomatic and consular missions in Montenegro, held five presentations of the Capital City of Podgorica Investment Potentials in cooperation with the embassies of Austria, Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, Turkey, France, Italy and China. The organization of events with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Montenegro was joined by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, whose numerous representatives attended the presentation. Opportunities for investment in the fields of energy and industry, technology, tourism and catering, transport, health, real estate, sports, culture and entertainment were presented. These presentations were attended by over 200 representatives of prestigious companies.
Access the announcements via the following links:
- Predstavljeni investicioni potencijali Podgorice
- Investicioni potencijali predstavljeni rumunskim privrednicima
- Menadžer Glavnog grada predstavio projekte i inicijative Glavnog grada za podsticaje ekonomskog razvoja
- „Podgorica investment days”: Unaprijediti ekonomske odnose Crne Gore i Francuske
- Investicioni potencijali Podgorice predstavljeni Italijanima
- Investicioni potencijali predstavljeni privrednicima iz Ningboa
- Investicioni potencijali predstavljeni turskim privrednicima
- Njemački i slovenački privrednici zainteresovani za ulaganja u Podgoricu
- Investicioni potencijali Podgorice predstavljeni hrvatskim kompanijama