1. Business advisory services
Existing and future entrepreneurs are provided with systematic information and knowledge on all topics important for starting a business and developing it. By providing quality information and effectively addressing the demands of entrepreneurs and legal entities, we strive to be recognized at all times as an efficient and quality service to our citizens.
2. Support for start-ups in the Capital
For a number of companies established in the current year, the Secretariat will provide free accounting services for the first year of operation, as well as reimbursement of business start-up costs of 100 euros.
It is planned that around 30 companies will be supported by the funds provided in the Budget for 2020.
Citizens, entrepreneurs and start-ups will be informed about the possibilities of this type of support through the Capital website, social networks and daily newspapers and on TV. In 2019, a refund was paid for 23 businesses.

In line with the allocated funds, activities planned for 2020 aimed at supporting entrepreneurship development in the Capital can be divided into the following areas:
- Advisory services to all interested individuals and businesses regarding obtaining a work permit;
- Support to start-ups in the capital (free accounting services and reimbursement of business start-up costs);
- Organization of educational trainings for entrepreneurs and training for specific occupations for the more difficult employable categories;
- Organization of mini fairs and other events;
- Cooperation with entrepreneurial clubs;
- Implementation of micro credit line;
- Allocation of funds to support women’s entrepreneurship;
- Allocation of funds for young creative entrepreneurs;
- Support to the NGO sector for consumer protection i
- Marketing and activities in tourism.
Department for Entrepreneurship od the Capital City Podgorica – Office of Agriculture, within its competencies in the field of agriculture, implements a set of measures aimed for stimulating agriculture. These measures are contained in the Agenda for Encouraging the Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas of the Capital for 2020. The program covers the following areas:
- Education of potential farmers who need entrepreneurial skills and special knowledge;
- Intensification of cooperation with various institutions, bodies and associations of agricultural producers, who take measures in this field in order to affirm the development of agriculture in the Capital City;
- Assisting farmers in developing business plans;
Law on Agriculture and Rural Development (Official Gazette of Montenegro 56/09, 18/11, 40/11, 34/14, 1/15, 30/17 and 50/17), Article 20, Local Law self-government may introduce measures to support rural development, which should not conflict with the Strategy, the National Program and the Agro Budget.
Budget of the Capital City Podgorica for 2020 allocates € 195,000 to incentive funds for stimulating agricultural development, presented in the table below:

The aim of dairy premiums is to increase the competitiveness of the market for milk production, to encourage the commercial production of milk for delivery to dairies; improvement of milk quality; increasing the share of purchased milk in total milk production
Premiums are EUR 0.03 / liter. dairies that buy milk from subcontractors in the Capital City. The premiums are paid to the dairies and cheese producers account according to the report on the quantities of milk purchased in the amount to be paid monthly to the capital by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The goal of supporting the harvest is to stabilize the market (the harvest refers to the agricultural work required to harvest the fruit). Harvesting is done by harvesters. The funds are paid to JSC “Plodovi Crne Gore”, which in cooperation with the municipality within the Capital City – Golubovci, harvest wheat, rye and triticale from the territory of the Capital.
Loans for agriculture is the most interesting incentive measure for farmers and entrepreneurs. Terms of the loan: interest rate of 3% annually, repayment period of 3 years in semi-annual annuities and grace period of one year.
The Commission, formed by a representative of the Capital City, visits the applicant upon receipt of the loan application, assists in the preparation of the Business Plan and gives an opinion on the justification of the application. Formed subject, upon request for loan, shall be submitted to the Finance Secretariat for further procedure. The Commission, after disbursement of the loan, controls the intended use of the funds.
Planned Credit support programs are following:
- Improvements in beekeeping;
- Procurement of agricultural equipment and machinery;
- Livestock farms;
- Raising perennial plantations and building protected areas;
- Storage, packaging and processing of plant products;
- Processing of agricultural products on the family farm;
- Organic farming;
- Procurement of equipment for production, storage of wine and wine distillates.
Other programs in the field of agriculture
- Organizacija edukativnih seminara za poljoprivredne proizvođače
- Organizovanje manifestacija i aktivnosti promotivno – edukativnog karaktera;
- Saradnja sa Udružrnjima pčelara Podgorice na organizaciji pčelarskih manifestacija i savjetovanja;
- Saradnja sa Udruženjem pčelara “Crnogorska pčela” za sajam na trgu nezavisnosti ;
- Saradnja sa udružrnjima vinogradara na organizaciji vinskih manifestacija u cilju boljeg pozicioniranja crnogorskih vina na domaćem i inostranom tržištu;
- Saradnja sa Lovačkom organizacijom Podgorice ;
- Saradnja sa Udruženjem organskih proizvodjača
In order to improve entrepreneurship, IDF and Capital city signed the Protocol on Cooperation.
The protocol defined by the models of future cooperation with a view to enhancing entrepreneurship, job creation and faster economic development of the capital city.
In accordance with the protocol, all interested will be able to in the Bureau for economic cooperation and support to the business community, get help with familiarization procedure for applying the Investment Development Fund, the collection of all the documentation and drafting business plans.
Credit lines offered Investment and Development Fund :
1.Credit lines to encourage entrepreneurship:
- start-up

- entrepreneurship,
- women in business,

- women in business UNDP

- young in entrepreneurship,

- university graduates,

2. Credit line for support to existing companies with activity:
– Agriculture,
– Production,
– Services,
– Wood processing,
– Cluster.
3. Credit lines to support infrastructure:
– Water supply,
– Enviornmental protection,
– Energy efficiency and
– Renewable energy sources.
4. Credit lins to improve liquidity:
– Factoring,
– Permanent working capital,
– Refinancing of current credit commitments,
– Preparation of tourist and agricultural season (short-term).
5. The credit line to support investment in ICT sector
In addition to the Investment and Development Fund , financial assistance are available from 14 commercial banks operating in the territory of Podgorica. Central bank of Montenegro