Podgorica is an attractive investment destination, with numerous potentials that in the coming period can and should be fully utilized in the right way, in order to increase economic growth and the quality of life of citizens. The Capital City will, in cooperation with the Government of Montenegro and other interested parties to be maximally dedicated to that goal, was the message from the Third Podgorica Investment Forum, which was held today at the Hilton Hotel.
Mayor Olivera Injac spoke on behalf of the hosts, who emphasized that the dynamic development of Podgorica and the realization of its full potential are still to come, and that such events represent an important opportunity for networking, exchange of opinions, knowledge and experience.
“Welcome to the Third Podgorica Investment Forum, which we are organizing as part of the strategic process of planning the Capital City in cooperation with the Government of Montenegro, with the aim of monitoring investments and innovations for a sustainable investment environment. I would like to take the opportunity to greet all today’s panelists and distinguished guests, representatives of the diplomatic corps, representatives of the domestic and foreign business community, representatives of the Government of Montenegro. Recognizing the importance and role of the Podgorica Investment Forum, as an event that is crucial for the promotion of Podgorica and its potential, I appreciate the opportunity to promote the city as an attractive investment destination. In addition to investment potential, the forum opens issues of local importance and increasing the quality of life of citizens. I believe that we are all united in the common vision of strengthening strategic investment in order to create future success and innovation. In an era of strengthening global markets, our ability to adopt and exploit opportunities is becoming a major goal for local and national governments. Today’s forum will serve as a platform for the exchange of knowledge in this area, which in the near future can result in the development of good opportunities and the creation of economic activity and well-being for all citizens. I want to point out, and this forum proves it, that we can all contribute to a sustainable business environment and build a brighter future for the capital of Montenegro”, said Injac and wished her successful work.
The forum was opened by the Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property in the Government of Montenegro, Janko Odović, who welcomed the organization of the forum. “The main processes and factors that affect the economic development of our country are European integration; market economy, rapid development, urban plans, demographic and climate changes and the achievement of cohesion and social development. Planning documents must be a statement of comprehensive sectoral planning of the use of space and protection of basic values and resources, while respecting the strategic determination of Montenegro to rationally and sustainably use its natural and built resources. In addition, changes in legal regulations and procedures on the construction of buildings will create conditions for improving the investment environment in Montenegro. Data revision in the real estate cadastre database and its full digitization and better accessibility to citizens and investors are needed.
I am sure that the Government of Montenegro and the Capital City will together create the conditions for improving the investment environment, which will be the focus of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urban Planning and State Property. I believe that with joint efforts we will go the European way, which will have a significant impact on our future economic development”, said Odović.
After the introductory presentations, the working part of the forum included two panels, i.e. Sustainable Business Environment at Local Level and Podgorica and Montenegro Investment Potentials, in which eminent experts presented their expertise and shared experiences of cooperation between local and national authorities and cooperation with the private sector, but and attracting investors and numerous other important factors that contribute to dynamic economic activity and economic development. They emphasized the importance of empowering small and medium-sized enterprises in order to encourage economic development at the local level, and the importance of credit lines aimed at projects that encourage energy efficiency, which should be much more represented in Montenegro.
The panelists were Nicolas Marquier, Regional Manager for the Western Balkans (International Finance Corporation – IFC), Emmanuel Koenig (PwC), Mladen Grgić, Advisor for Economic Affairs in the Cabinet of the President of Montenegro, Nik Đeljošaj, Vice President for Economic Affairs and Minister of Economic Development in To the Government of Montenegro, Filip Radulović, Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs in the Government of Montenegro, Remon Zakaria, head of the EBRD in Montenegro, Milena Lipovina Božović, Assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Montenegro, while the moderators were Nina Perunović, M.Sc., advisor in the Mayor’s Office and Šućo Orahovac, M.Sc., Secretary for Entrepreneurship and Investments.
Statement of Mayor Olivera Injac:
Statement by Janko Odović, Minister of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property:
Kadrovi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs7554pqIhk

