The Law on Public-Private Partnership, adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro on December 17, 2019, creates a new concept of joint venture between the public and private sectors. Implementation of the law in areas traditionally designated for the state, ie local government, will enable more intensive involvement of the private sector, in the areas of public works and public services. In this way, the involvement of private capital opens the possibility to obtain an infrastructure facility without the use of budget money or to provide certain services in a much cheaper or better way, which ultimately means better service for citizens.

Strategic development plan 2012 - 2017

PRIORITY 1: Creating conditions for work and quality of life of citizens

1.2 Improving traffic infrastructure in urban and rural areas

1.3 Improving municipal infrastructure in urban and rural area 

1.5 Development of measures of social protection of the population

1.6 Creating better conditions for the development of culture and sports

1.7 Improving efficiency and technical equipment of local government and public services

PRIORITY 2: Development of the economy and the local economy

2.1 Improving economic activity and business environment

Priority 3: Improvement of agricultural, forestry, hunting and fishing

3.2 Development of a planning system of purchase and marketing of agricultural products

Priority 5: Environmental protection

5.2 Organized waste management

5.4 Energy efficiency